Saturday, June 6, 2009

Live or Memorex

Wouldn't it be nice to just hit the pause button and stop the recorded messages that have been played over and over in your head? "I think therefore Iam" wow... but what exactly is it we are thinking? I'm not good enough or smart enough or rich enough or loved enough ?
self doubt accusation etc... I must have done something wrong or I failed.
Well as Dr. Phil says " How's that workin for ya"?
How many times in our course of the day do we relate to failing somewhere? I would like to think that in whatever situation I'm in there is a lesson to be learned. my father always said...
" is your cup half empty or half full"? The truth of the matter is... If I chose to operate in a negative place I find myself stuck playing negative recordings. but if I chose to operate in victory and success I will gain victory and be successful. I don't know about you but I chose the latter.
So my suggestion is... Stop the recordings throw out the old 8 track tapes and download some new CD's. You'll be much happier

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